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Virtual Golf Simulator, Sosua Dominican Republic:

Virtual Golf Simulator, Sosua Dominican Republic:

Virtual Golf Simulator Sosua, Dominican Republic:

Things to do on the north coast of The Dominican Republic:

On this episode of Phil Talks Tech, Tay & Phil visit the recently opened Global Golf DR, which is a virtual golf simulator located in Sosua on the north coast of The Dominican Republic. A 9 hole competition on the front 9 at Augusta National then ensues between Phil and Tay with less than impressive results, fortunately the camera was turned off for some of Tay’s more impressive shots much to his disappointment.

This is a new facility, just over 6 weeks old at the time of writing, and operated by enthusiastic directors and golfers Tony Russell & Ted Duguid who are helpful and friendly hosts.

Times are allocated in 2 hour slots which is the time anticipated to play 18 holes. You can bring your own clubs or alternatively you can us those available through Global Golf DR. You can play from a selection of 700 courses from around the world but we recommend getting tuned in initially by using the virtual driving range just to get the feel of the hitting mat. Lessons are also available for beginners or for those looking to hone their skills. Cost at the time of this article is Rd$1,000 per person or just over U$17 which is very cheap, plus you’ll have a few $$ spare to enjoy a refreshing beverage at the bar afterwards.

Our opinion: A fun and enjoyable way to spend a few hours golfing with friends without breaking the bank.

Global Golf DR is located next to Sosua Self Storage which is across the street from (Sosua Best Condos) The Palms, (just past Tradewinds). For reservations call 1-809-762-3572 or on facebook searching for Global Golf DR. Please click the link above for a virtual tour.

Location: Virtual Golf Simulator Sosua:

For more fun and informative videos about living and lifestyle on the north coast of The Dominican Republic, visit our YouTube channel and please don’t forget to hit the subscribe button.

DR Property Guys offers a professional, well informed and friendly insight for those looking to purchase property here on the north coast of The Dominican Republic. With over 50 years of living and doing business here we offer a comprehensive overview specializing in the real estate market from Sosua to Cabarete and are happy to share our extensive knowledge with you.

Playa Dorada Resort, Dominican Republic:

Playa Dorada Resort, Dominican Republic:



Playa Dorada Resort, Dominican Republic: Located on the north coast of The Dominican Republic just 20 minutes west of Puerto Plata International Airport lies the iconic vacation resort known as Playa Dorada. In addition to its breathtaking coastline and 7,000 lush hectares, the iconic nature of Playa Dorada is also well written within the fabric of Dominican history.

This in fact is the place where the Dominican tourism industry first put down roots. It can also be argued that Playa Dorada was the birthplace of the “All Inclusive” hotel concept (beyond the realms of Club Med) that in itself would become a major catalyst for the explosion of all-inclusive hotels across the globe in the years to follow.

According to records, Playa Dorada was conceived in 1971, backed with investment from The World Bank and Banco Central. The original idea was for a gated resort with a golf course (opened in 1976) and 10 hotels, however the number of hotels was eventually surpassed. The first hotel to open within the Playa Dorada complex was the famous Jack Tar Village and Casino back in 1980 (Jack Tar, the name given to English sailors back in the day). The hotel began to attract visitors from international shores and ignite the spark for what was to come.

Playa Dorada Resort 2023

Playa Dorada Resort 2023

Playa Dorada was immensely popular with the North American market to begin with, followed shortly by the European market. For a significant period of time Playa Dorada as a resort ran at 100% occupancy with casinos, nightclubs, bars and restaurants full of life and laughter….not to mention the ever present rhythm of merengue and bachata never far away in the distance. Happy days indeed…

All good things however, eventually come to an end, and the turn of the century saw more destinations open up both domestically and around the world with the “All Inclusive” concept as their central theme, and on a scale of magnitude and variety that Playa Dorada struggled to compete with. It soon became apparent that Playa Dorada would have to reinvent itself and move beyond the original concept that initially brought so much success.

From approximately 2013, local businessmen and developers began to explore other opportunities and it was decided that some of the older hotels would be replaced with villas, condos, luxury apartments & penthouses, the construction of which is ongoing at the time of writing this article. The uptake has been exceptional so far as investors look to take advantage of a premium vacation destination with 1.9 kms of beach, ocean front and breathtaking mountain views.

To date, the return on investment looks promising. The city of Puerto Plata is just a 5 minute drive to the west and has in recent years enjoyed a positive resurgence due to the new cruise-ship terminals of Amber Cove and Taino Bay which has helped transform this part of the north coast not just economically but aesthetically. With GDP forecasts as they are, it seems the future not only looks bright for Playa Dorada and the north coast, but for the whole of The Dominican Republic in general.

If you enjoyed this article and the accompanying video, please check out our YouTube Channel here for more interesting videos about The Dominican Republic, and please do us a huge favor by clicking the subscribe button – Thank you!!!

Driving in The Dominican Republic:

Driving in The Dominican Republic:


Driving in The Dominican Republic: As many of you might be aware, driving in The Dominican Republic can have it’s challenges. Online research will quickly reveal that The Dominican Republic is one of the most dangerous places to drive in the world, however with the right precautions and some handy tips and advice, it’s possible to reduce the risk of driving in The Dominican Republic considerably. The purpose of this article is to give honest frank advice, and to help guide you through the process along with a bunch of useful tips that will help put your mind at ease and give you the confidence to explore this beautiful country to the full.

Driving in The Dominican Republic can be technically challenging, however if you’re a good competent driver, these technicalities can be overcome with a good skill set and plenty of common sense.

Expect the Unexpected: You have to do just that, but don’t let it phase you. Motorcycles, taxis, trucks, regular vehicles and pedestrians can often throw you a curve-ball when you least expect it, be calm, be super vigilant, don’t drive erratically making sharp turns, and most importantly USE YOUR MIRRORS!!!….all of them, rear view, nearside and offside, we can’t stress the importance of this enough.


  • Travel Insurance – You wouldn’t believe how many people leave their country of origin without adequate travel insurance. Never leave home without it!
  • Car Rental: Make sure you rent from a reliable / reputable car rental agency and that your vehicle is fully insured, it’s quite easy to check references online to find the best rental options available subject to which area of The Dominican Republic your are traveling to.. Also go through the “what if’s” with your rental agency to ensure they have an adequate emergency back up plan should it be required and that you are familiar with phone numbers and procedures in any event.
  • Vehicle Insurance: Naturally there are different options of vehicle insurance / coverage available to you, from full insurance to basic third party coverage. Do your research and find the best insurance policy to meet your needs. From personal experience, we would always recommend you get the best coverage available, and although this will be more expensive, you will at least have peace of mind knowing that you are fully insured. An added insurance option is to choose a policy that includes the Casa de Conductor facility which provides protective coverage in the event of a serious accident. Click the link above for more details.
  • Buying / Selling a Vehicle: Always ensure that when buying or in particular selling a vehicle that the vehicle title or matricula is transferred correctly through a reputable lawyer. Failing to transfer the title of the vehicle particularly when you sell it means that you are liable for any incident the vehicle is involved in, even though you no longer technically own the vehicle.
  • Driving License: Foreign nationals are only permitted to use the driving license from their country of origin for 90 days from their date of entry into The Dominican Republic.
  • Useful Phone Numbers: It’s always advisable that your phone has data and that you have at hand useful emergency contact numbers should they be required and to make sure there are no language barriers.
  • Flat Tires: ALWAYS make sure you’re spare tire is fully functional and that you know how to change a tire if need be. Equipment to inflate / repair tires is always a good idea or a small motorized tire inflator. The good thing about the Dominican Republic is that as a rule you’ll often find a good Samaritan that will stop and help you out. Another useful point of reference is the website for The Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Comunicaciones or The Ministry of Public Works and communications in English. These guys provide amazing roadside assistance, here is a link to their webpage:
  • Drive on the Right Hand Side of the Road:
Driving in The Dominican Republic

Driving in The Dominican Republic

  • Documents: Always have your relative documents on hand just in case you are stopped by the police, drivers license, insurance and a copy of the title of the vehicle.
  • Road Tax: Make sure the road tax windshield sticker (or marbete as it’s known) is up to date and clearly displayed.
  • Stopped by the Police: Random vehicle checks happen in some areas more than others, these are carried out by the Dominican Transit Police( Dirección General de Seguridad de Tránsito y Transporte Terrestre – DIGESETT) who wear the green uniforms. Smile, offer to shake hands with the officer, have your documents to hand and in order, and you should be on your way in no time. Occasionally there can be random vehicle checks made by the National Police who wear grey uniforms, again, the same procedure applies.
  • Traffic Violations: Always wear your seat-belt, do not talk or text on your phone, do not overtake on double yellow lines and watch your speed. These are common traffic violations here and if your receive a fine it will need to be paid locally or it may lead to an impediment on your departure or next arrival. Children should be safely seated in the rear passenger seats with a child seat or seat-belt subject to age. When driving in The Dominican Republic, the navigation app Waze is a VERY useful tool, it will inform you of the easiest route, traffic restrictions, and also where police checks are along the highway so you can be prepared ahead of time. Best to have a copilot though to help you with navigation.
  • Right Hand Turns: Right hand turns are permitted at traffic lights when the light is on red however it is important to stop and check the way is clear before proceeding.
  • Dash-cam: Always a very useful tool to have at your disposal, and with technology as it is today, there have been significant advancements in this type of device without you having to break the bank.
  • Use your phone in Emergencies: Always remember that your phone can be a useful tool for video and for video statements should you feel the need to use it.
  • Keep an Eye Out: For unpainted speed bumps (sleeping policeman) and pot-holes in the road.
  • Avoid driving on national holidays where possible: Certain times of the year are known to be more chaotic than others, the main one being Easter or Semana Santa as it’s known locally plus Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. These occasions are when there are generally a significant spike in both traffic accidents and serious congestion…..and are best to be avoided where possible.
  • Don’t leave valuables in your vehicle:
  • Driving at Night: Again best to be avoided where possible, poor road lighting in areas, pot holes, vehicles without adequate lights (particularly motorcycles), drivers using full beam and additional spotlights, and at times horses or cows on the roads which can’t sometimes be seen until it’s too late.
  • Drinking and Driving: Quite simply don’t, get a few of you together and book a cab if you’re out for a night on the town.

We hope that you found the above information useful, just remember with the right care and precautions, driving in the The Dominican Republic can be a wonderful experience, there are so many beautiful places to visit and things to see both on the coast and inland. In recent years, the quality of the road network within The Dominican Republic has improved dramatically, and with applications such as Waze, navigation has never been easier.

Wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey…

From Canada to The Dominican Republic:

From Canada to The Dominican Republic:


From Canada to The Dominican Republic: In this video we speak with Stephanie and Tony who moved recently from Canada to The Dominican Republic. For anyone out there thinking of purchasing property in The Dominican Republic and looking to relocate, you can follow their story and hear first-hand of their experience so far.

Stephanie and Tony purchased a very beautiful two bedroom villa in a mature section of one of the most popular gated communities here on the north coast of The Dominican Republic and didn’t waste any time making the upgrades they wanted and which they had envisaged at the time of their purchase.

Phase one of renovations include the installation of a brand new kitchen which has changed completely the look, feel and flow of the property. At it’s center is a large island with an abundance of storage space complete with elegant quartz countertops and backsplash throughout the kitchen. The quality of the materials used and craftsmanship is impressive, beautiful cabinetry work and installation. This whole section of the house has been newly decorated with lights and fans added, all of which give a fresh and more expansive ambiance to this whole area. To the far end of the living room matching fitted cabinetry has been installed to accommodate an entertainment / media area to complete an impressive transformation of this part of the villa.

Phase one of this renovation process also includes the conversion of what was previously a garage into a comfortable and very spacious office area which provides the perfect place for maximum productivity. Starlink has been installed along with a mesh system and UPS to guarantee high quality uninterrupted Wi-Fi service. You’ll also see in this video that Stephanie and Tony have two very beautiful Labrador dogs, and of course transporting four legged family members is always a major concern when relocating, particularly to another country, and it would appear that they managed to find the perfect solution in terms of service and care.For more information contact: 1-289-931 3104

The new kitchen and home modifications shown in this video were completed by:

TPM -Tolga Property Management – @tolgapm 1-829-778-1345

For any further information regarding buying property in The Dominican Republic, or indeed relocating from Canada to The Dominican Republic, or anywhere else for that matter, please feel free to visit us at or you can always reach out to us by phone or e-mail at your convenience:

Tay: 809 756 7611

Phil: 809 707 3598

If you’re in the area, please let us know, it would be our pleasure to show you around and share with you our combined 50 years of living and doing business here in The Dominican Republic. And if you haven’t already done so, please do us a huge favour and subscribe to our YouTube Channel by following the link.

Installing Solar Panel Systems in The Dominican Republic

Installing Solar Panel Systems in The Dominican Republic


Installing Solar Panel Systems in The Dominican Republic:

Installing Solar Panel Systems in The Dominican Republic:The million dollar question, should I install solar power in my home or not? or at least it’s a U$20,000 question for a comprehensive installation. In this video we visit homeowners Robert and Kathleen who recently took the plunge.

With the ever increasing cost of power and the quality and durability of solar equipment seemly advancing with each passing day, for anyone with the funds, it’s certainly worth doing some research and checking out the options available.

The solar system in the video comprises of the following: 10 solar panels – 20 year warranty 2 Batteries – 8 year warranty 2 invertors – 3 year warranty Ground mounting system – 10 year warranty With connectors, combiners, cables, ground mounting and shipping costs plus installation the grand total comes to just under U$20,000.

The quality of the installation appears to be first class as does the equipment. Robert says that the system produces around 800kw monthly and allows them to power the house fully and run a/c units and the swimming pool pump way more than they would have ordinarily without receiving a power bill. At this rate of consumption Robert believes that payback would be between 5-7 years without considering any potential increases in the cost of electricity. Of course there is the added bonus of a constant power supply should there be an outage in the area, and the surge protection system assures a steady flow of power to the house and protection of all appliances within. Any questions you might have regarding Installing Solar Panel Systems in The Dominican Republic, just leave them in the comments section beneath the video on Our YouTube Channel and we’ll do our best to answer them for you, lease don’t forget to hit the like and subscribe button.

The system in the video was installed by INNOVE Tel: 809 841 0251 e-mail: